>Generic Repository pattern using Entity Framework (EF4) – Simplified

>I’ve modified Mikael Henriksson generic repository pattern to come up with simplified version. Below illustrate how you can use the generic repository without any or should i say 1 line of code.


/// Generic Repository Interface

public interface IRepository : IDisposable
/// Method to add new record to

bool Add (T entity) where T: class,IEntityWithKey;


/// Method to delete record from

bool Delete(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;


/// Method to update record from

bool Update(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;

/// Returns new Transaction Scope

TransactionScope BeginTransaction();

/// Method to add new record to using transaction.
/// You must manually call the CommitTransaction() so that changes will be reflected.

bool AddUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class,IEntityWithKey;

/// Method to delete record from using transaction.
/// You must manually call the CommitTransaction() so that changes will be reflected.

bool DeleteUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;


/// Method to update record from using transaction.
/// You must manually call the CommitTransaction() so that changes will be reflected.

bool UpdateUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;

/// Method that instructs the object context to accept all changes

void Commit();


/// Method that returns the count of

long Count() where T : class,IEntityWithKey;

/// Method that returns the count of

long Count(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;

/// Method to return all records from

List GetAll() where T : class, IEntityWithKey;

/// Method to return all records from

List GetAll(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;

/// Method to return the first record from
/// Throws an exception if there’s no result.

T GetSingle(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;


/// Method to return the first record from or null value if no record found

T GetSingleOrDefault(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey;


/// Generic Repository base class for Data Processing

public abstract class DataRepositoryBase : IRepository
protected ObjectContext mContext;
protected bool mContextReused;

/// Ctor

public DataRepositoryBase(ObjectContext context)
this.mContext = context;

/// Method to add new record to

public virtual bool Add(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
mContext.AddObject(mContext.GetEntitySet().Name, entity);
int saveValue = mContext.SaveChanges();
return saveValue > 0 ? true: false;

/// Method to delete record from

public virtual bool Delete(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
object originalItem;
EntityKey key = mContext.CreateEntityKey(entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, entity);
if (mContext.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))

int returnValue = mContext.SaveChanges();
return returnValue > 0 ? true : false;

/// Method to update record from

public virtual bool Update(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
object originalItem;
Type type = typeof(T);
EntityKey key = mContext.CreateEntityKey(entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, entity);
if (mContext.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))
mContext.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, entity);
int returnValue = mContext.SaveChanges();
return returnValue > 0 ? true : false;

/// Method to add new record to using transaction.

public virtual bool AddUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
mContext.AddObject(mContext.GetEntitySet().Name, entity);
return true;

/// Method to delete record from using transaction.

public virtual bool DeleteUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
object originalItem;
EntityKey key = mContext.CreateEntityKey(entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, entity);
if (mContext.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))
return true;

/// Method to update record from using transaction.

public virtual bool UpdateUsingTransaction(T entity) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
object originalItem;
Type type = typeof(T);
EntityKey key = mContext.CreateEntityKey(entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, entity);
if (mContext.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))
mContext.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, entity);
return true;

public virtual void Commit()

/// Method that returns the count of

public virtual long Count() where T : class, IEntityWithKey
int count = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).Count();
return count;

/// Method that returns the count of

public virtual long Count(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
int count = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).Count(criterion);
return count;

/// Method to return all records from

public virtual List GetAll() where T : class, IEntityWithKey
var entities = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).ToList();
return entities;

/// Method to return all records from

public virtual List GetAll(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
var entities = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).Where(criterion).ToList();
return entities;
/// Method to return the first record from
/// Throws an exception if there’s no result.

public virtual T GetSingle(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
T entity = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).First(criterion);
return entity;

/// Method to return the first record from or null value if no record found

public virtual T GetSingleOrDefault(Expression> criterion) where T : class, IEntityWithKey
T entity = mContext.CreateQuery(“[” + mContext.GetEntitySet().Name + “]”).SingleOrDefault(criterion);
return entity;

/// Method for dispose

public void Dispose()

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (mContext != null)
mContext = null;


/// Returns new Transaction Scope

public System.Transactions.TransactionScope BeginTransaction()
return new System.Transactions.TransactionScope();

/// Object Context Extension Methods

public static class ObjectContextExtensions
/// Extension method for retrieving the EntitySetBase of

internal static EntitySetBase GetEntitySet(this ObjectContext context)
EntityContainer container = context.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(context.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);
Type baseType = GetBaseType(typeof(TEntity));
EntitySetBase entitySet = container.BaseEntitySets.Where(item => item.ElementType.Name.Equals(baseType.Name)).FirstOrDefault(); return entitySet;

/// Method that returns the base type of

private static Type GetBaseType(Type type)
var baseType = type.BaseType;
if (baseType != null && baseType != typeof(EntityObject))
return GetBaseType(type.BaseType);
return type;
This is sample implementation of the Repository.You need to create two class, one class that inherits from DataRepositoryBase (Actual repository) and another that implements IRepository (Test Repository). Of course
you need to have a model that is created using Entity Framework in .NET 4.0.
Actual Repository:
public class MySampleActualRepository : DataRepositoryBase
public MySampleActualRepository()
: base(new MyCustomEntities())
Short code right?, you only need to pass the object context of EF to the base.
Test Repository:
Create a class MySampleTestRepository that implements IRepository’, I’m not going to show it here but you get the idea right? You can use my previous post especially in the GetAll() method since it’s returning a generic list.
 With this two classes in place i think we are ready to try.

Create another method that would return the repository to be used.

public IRepository GetRepository (bool isTest)
        return new MySampleTestRepository();
       return new MySampleActualRepository();

Sample usage:

using (IRepository repository = GetRepository(false))
       DataEntities.Order order = new DataEntities.Order
           order_ponumber = “00001”;

      var search = repository.GetSingleOrDefault(i=> i.order_id == order.order_id);
      search.change_date = DateTime.Now;



 Sample usage with Transaction Scope:

bool isCommit = false;
using (IRepository repository = GetRepository(false))
    using(TransactionScope transactionScope = repository.BeginTransaction())
        var search = repository.GetSingleOrDefault(i=> i.order_id == 1);
       search.change_date = DateTime.Now;

      //Update # 2
       var search2 = repository.GetSingleOrDefault(i=> i.order_id == 2);
         search2.change_date = DateTime.Now;

     isCommit = true;


If the update #2 failed, the changes in update #1 will be rollback.

Finally, when building new solution you never need to code the DataComponents part just create the model (EF) then create two class that inherits from DataRepositoryBase and IRepository respectively and it’s done.